Category Archives: 1

Should I Enroll in My Company’s 401(k) Plan?



(Note to readers: I considered writing an entire article on the nuances of why young professionals do and don’t take advantage of company 401(k) retirement plans and why you should contribute to one. I read a lot of whiny articles and blog posts about confusing paperwork and not having “extra” money to put toward retirement.  Lame excuses aside, if you are not contributing to your company’s 401(k) plan (at least up to the point where they will match your contribution) you’re an idiot.

Here’s why.

  • You probably do not want to work your whole life (at least not in a 9-5 kind of way).
  • Any money you put in a 401(k) today is going to have plenty of time to grow, meaning you will have WAY MORE MONEY in the future.
  • Many companies will match a percentage of your contribution  (They are giving you FREE MONEY)
  • You can usually  make your contributions automatic by taking them directly out of your paycheck (I promise you won’t even notice the money is gone until you’re sitting on top of big retirement bucks and thanking your younger self for not being a moron).

Contributing to a 401(k) won’t make you a guaranteed millionaire, but if for the cost of a couple bottles of alcohol a month, you can ensure you’re jet setting around the world while your peers sit in a smelly retirement home, why not do it?)

P.S. Want to learn more about your company’s 401(k) plan? Curious what their matching policy is? ASK.

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Filed under 1, Career, Financial Mistakes, Investing, Saving, Stop Being A Financial Idiot